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Outdoor Resort Indio:

A promotional image with text for mosquito source reduction, a QR code, and a blurred resort background.


The  ORI, Outdoor Resort Indio is a beautiful RV neighborhood with friendly residents and lush greenery. Its community members work together to reduce health risks posed by mosquitoes and other vectors.

Residents can visit this recently updated page to track mosquito counts recorded by the Mosquito District team and report any breeding sites.

Community Update:

  • CV Mosquito is urging the residents of Outdoor Resort Indio to weekly inspect their properties for stagnant water sources. This is important as temperatures rise in the spring, as it helps to prevent mosquito breeding. Let's work together to keep these pesky insects away from ORI in 2024.


  • Remember that temperature, wind, and weather conditions influence mosquito populations in your RV community. These cold-blooded insects thrive in temperatures around 80°F, but their activity slows down significantly below 50°F
May contain: advertisement, poster, grass, plant, nature, outdoors, and garden

General information

  • Mosquito abundance increases by two significant factors: temperature and the presence of water.
  • As the temperature rises during the summer, mosquito activity will also increase until the peak of the hot season if they can find a place to lay their eggs. For example:
  • Over-watering grass so excess water flows into the street. Make sure you're sprinklers are not causing urban drool!
  • Saucers under outdoor plants. Mosquitoes can breed in a tablespoon of water. Plant saucers are the leading breeding cause for invasive mosquito Aedes aegypti.


Active mosquito control involves the collective effort of all. If you reside in Outdoor Resort Indio, make it a habit to regularly inspect your property for standing water and promptly remove it to prevent mosquito breeding.”

Feel free to share this advice with your community!


May contain: path, walkway, flagstone, cookware, pot, plant, and potted plant
May contain: nature, outdoors, pond, and water
May contain: grass, plant, and drain
  • Life Cycle – about a week. The life cycle of a mosquito from egg to adult can be completed in less than a week, depending on water temperature and the mosquito species. Eggs deposited on water surfaces usually hatch within a day or so, while those deposited in soil can hatch months or even years later, depending on water availability. On average, the female usually deposits from 100 to 150 eggs at a time. Over the life course, the female mosquito may deposit three to four batches of eggs.
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