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Little house flies  (Fannia canicularis)

May contain: animal, fly, insect, and invertebrate

Little house flies  (Fannia canicularis) are smaller than the house fly. The adult is black or dull gray in color. Adults usually congregate outdoors and are seen to hover in protected places, such as breezeways, porches, and open garages. Females are often seen feeding or laying eggs in poultry manure and other animal excrement (dog, pig, rabbit), including that found in mammal nests. Eggs may also be deposited in decaying vegetable and animal matter, including compost piles, grass clippings, damp feed pallets, commercial fishmeal used as a fertilizer, and food residue in garbage cans. These flies take 2-4 weeks to become adults. In Southern California, the little house fly may be present to June, decreasing from July until the fall when populations may increase.

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