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Fly populations exists in both urban developments and agricultural settings in the Coachella Valley. The District’s goal is to suppress valley fly populations to tolerable levels and reduce the risk of fly-transmitted disease through surveillance, public education, and suppression methods. 

What You Should Know About Flies

Flies are among California’s most prevalent nuisance insect pests and benefit from both urban development and agricultural activities in the Coachella Valley.

The close association of flies with dead animals, feces, or garbage, and their attraction to humans, animals, and our food allows flies to potentially pick up and spread a variety of bacteria and parasites that may cause disease. 

Others are capable of delivering painful bites and can spread diseases to humans and animals.

Some nuisance flies reproduce rapidly and become annoying simply because of their sheer numbers, but are not medically important.

Flies Environment and Behavior

  • Generally, nuisance flies are more common in spring, summer, and fall, but many are active during the winter months.
  • Flies undergo complete metamorphosis with egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages in their development.
  • Eggs are deposited in animal feces, meat, or moist organic material where the larvae, or “maggots”, complete their development and develop into a pupa before becoming an adult fly. Development time is dependent upon temperature and under optimal summertime conditions; flies may develop from egg to adult in as little as 7 days.
  • Female flies lay several batches of eggs, typically with over 100 eggs each.
  • While adult flies are the most bothersome, the larval stage is the best target for management efforts.

What You Can Do: Reduce Flies

  • Locate and thoroughly clean garage areas, and remove animal droppings and vegetation residue.
  • Ensure that windows and doors close properly and screens are in good repair.
  • Keep exposed food covered and pick up and dispose of pet waste daily.
  • Use insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus, and wear long sleeve shirts and pants to prevent fly bites.
  • Turn off or limit the use of lights at night to discourage flies attracted to light.
  • Various traps, baits, and insecticidal sprays are available for fly control.

What We Do: The Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District’s goal is to suppress the Valley’s fly populations to tolerable levels and reduce the risk of fly transmitted diseases. To accomplish this objective, the District’s fly program includes surveillance, public education, and suppression methods.  We offer a limited fly and eye gnat control program known as “trapping out”. Thousands of traps with an egg-based attractant are placed primarily in agricultural areas located near residential areas.

What You Can Do: Bottle traps and baits can be provided to residents upon request to carry out their own control. Please see the instructional video below or review the trap instructions document.

Trap Instructions

Fly Trap Instructions

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