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East valley mosquito traps detect West Nile virus for first time in 2021

Posted on: July 15, 2021 - 10:13am

A sample of mosquitoes collected in the community of Mecca detected West Nile virus (WNV) for the first time this year.

The mosquitoes were collected from a trap near Johnson Street and Avenue 70 in Mecca, where mosquitoes are routinely tested for WNV and other mosquito-borne viruses.

The District is increasing mosquito control technicians in the area to look for breeding sites and have posted virus notice signs in communities located near the trap locations. Staff will also carry out mosquito control treatments as needed to reduce the number of mosquitoes and interrupt further transmission of the virus. A map of application activity is at

"As temperatures increase, so do mosquitoes,” said Tammy Gordon, Public Information Officer for the District. “When mosquito numbers rise, disease risk also increases. Wearing EPA-approved repellent lowers your chance of being bitten and getting sick.''

WNV is a public health concern. When a female mosquito bites an infected bird, they can become a carrier and transmit the virus to people. Most infected people will have no symptoms, while others develop fever, headaches, and body aches; hospitalization is required in some cases, and in rare cases, death occurs. People with symptoms should contact their health care provider.

Prevent mosquito bites: 

·      Don’t go outside around dawn and dusk when these mosquitoes are most active.

·      Wear insect repellent. EPA registered ingredients such as DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535 (as directed on the product label).

·      Cover-up. Wear long-sleeve shirts, long pants, socks and shoes when mosquitoes are most active.

·      Check window and door screens to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.

Prevent mosquitoes around your home:

·      Check lawn drains for water and debris. Clean drains regularly.

·      Inspect yards for standing water sources. Drain water that collects under potted plants, birdbaths, tires, and any other water-holding containers.

·      Clean and scrub pet dishes and water features weekly.

·      Swimming pools, ornamental ponds, and fountains require working pumps and regular maintenance.


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